Basic-Fit clubs 24/7 open

Good news! As of 14th of March, many Basic-Fit clubs can open day and night again! Gradually we will open more and more 24/7 clubs, spread over different waves in the coming period. We are already starting with 8 clubs !

The following clubs will be open 24/7 from the 15th of March

  • Basic-Fit Belval Avenue du Swing
  • Basic-Fit Bereldange
  • Basic-Fit Ettelbrück
  • Basic-Fit Foetz Rue du Brill
  • Basic-Fit Gasperich Rue Père Raphaël
  • Basic-Fit Luxembourg Sandweiler
  • Basic-Fit Strassen Rue du Cimetière
  • Basic-Fit Windhof