FULL ACCESS Basic-Fit app

Get full access to the Basic-Fit app

With your current subscription, you cannot enjoy 100% of the functionalities of the Basic-Fit app ... It's a bit of a shame, isn't it?

What you are missing

Full workout librairy

Update your membership, and access the full training offering, including 6-week programs and the complete workout librairy with various goals.

GXR @home

Follow your favourite virtual GXR group class at home (or on the go). You can follow all classes in the app and caste it into your TV. It couldn't be easier!

Nutrition plan

Set your goal, and receive your personalized nutrition plan. Manage your calorie intake every day to achieve

Virtual assistant

Ruby offers you many tips (fitness, nutrition,...) and tricks to help you reach

Need more inspiration?

You already have access to a a number of exercises in your application. Update your membership and get even more!


Sounds good!? It's super easy to upgrade your membership to access all these functions! A member of staff at the club will be able to advise you and upgrade your membership for you! Check the opening times of your club and bring your sport clothes. You can always train there too.