Knowledge is power: the fat index

06 Juni 2018
When you step on the scales, there might not be much of a difference from the last time, but you might see a love handle that wasn't there a few months ago!
Knowledge is power: the fat index - photo 1.1

Perhaps you know that feeling when your body is starting to feel less toned than usual. When you step on the scales, there might not be much of a difference from the last time, but you might see a love handle that wasn't there a few months ago! What's going on? Perhaps it's time to measure your body fat.

You can measure much more than just your height and weight. You can also measure your percentage of body fat, muscle mass, bone density and body fluids. Measuring and analysing your body composition provides you with insights that you cannot get simply by weighing yourself. It will give you a much better understanding of your body and help you take a more targeted approach to losing weight.

What does fat percentage mean?
Your fat percentage tells you what percentage of your body weight is made up of fat. Measuring your fat percentage is very important. It might even be more useful than knowing your body weight. It’s possible not to lose any weight when you first start exercising because you are building up muscle; however, your fat percentage will decrease and you will feel healthier and more toned. Or the other way around, if your muscle mass decreases, it is possible to lose weight whilst at the same time getting a bit fatter. When your fat percentage decreases, it is a clear indication that you have lost body fat and are making healthy progress. 

How do you measure body fat?
The most accurate way to measure body fat is to use a skinfold calliper. Why don’t you ask a Basic-Fit personal trainer to take your measurement! They know exactly where and how to take the measurement, the fat percentage that is healthy for you and they can help you with a targeted training schedule.

Virtual coach
There is another good way of measuring your fat percentage: all Basic-Fit clubs have a  Virtual Coach with a digital scale that measures your weight, fat percentage and muscle mass, etc. The results are sent directly to the Basic-Fit app on your phone (another reason to download it!) so that you can keep track of your progress!

In order to ensure a consistent and accurate body fat measurement, please use the following four tips:

  • Always take your measurement at the same time of day
  • Take your measurement before your workout
  • Take regular measurements, for example once every two weeks
  • Keep track of all your results so you can track your progress!