Start the year well

06 Januar 2020
2020, Happy New Year! Has your list of good resolutions been showing off in the notes on your phone for weeks? Maybe you've even started? A lot of people promise themselves every year to do things completely differently. But now really! Recognizable?
Body & Mind
Start the year well - photo 1.1

Don't be too hard on yourself
Thinking about how you can live a little healthier and happier in the coming year (and preferably the rest of your life) is already something positive! Now we are still trying to make this wish list come true. If you ask us, don't be too strict with yourself. Nobody says that the new year should be a penal camp. Think of beautiful goals that are achievable and Go For It! 

Small achievable goals
Now, your big goal may be to lose 20 kilos this year, only snacking on weekends and never drinking alcohol again (something you probably thought of when you woke up on January 1st), but small goals are much more fun. Such a huge long-term story where the end never seems to come in sight, often doesn't work very motivating and in the end leaves you for what it is. Keep it small and achievable! We are happy to help you with some ideas: 

  • I want to make at least 6 healthy recipes this year that I didn't know before
  • I want to try 3 different group lessons this year
  • I don't want to eat meat 1 day a week this year
  • I want to participate in at least 3 running events this year
  • I want to try out 2 new training zones in a Basic-Fit club this year
  • I want to add more protein-rich ingredients to my lunch this year
  • I want to keep playing sports at least 2 times a week this year
  • I want to be able to squat 50 pounds this year

Shouldn't we? Make your own list of achievable goals and maybe even plan the campaign for how you're going to do it. One new recipe every two months? Or will you spend one week in the kitchen with a good cookbook to go through all 6 recipes? You're the boss :-) 

Success moments
If you manage to actually get your intentions done, it feels like you have all sorts of small success moments. We love it, don't we? Also remember, your New Year isn't ruined if you don't manage to go to the gym twice a week. Be nice to yourself. But don't make a big deal out of 😉. If your goals are achieved too quickly, expand them. Who says you can't squat 60 kilos this year?

Good luck with your good intentions and make sure you can look back on it at the end of this year with a satisfied feeling!