This is how you build muscle mass

20 Juni 2018
Whether your training goal is losing weight, building strength or looking more muscular, you'll reach it faster if you build muscle mass.
This is how you build muscle mass - photo 1.1

Whether your training goal is losing weight, building strength or looking more muscular, you'll reach it faster if you build muscle mass. Muscle mass is not only important for being stronger, but also for burning calories and therefore losing weight. Building up muscle mass may seem difficult, but it's pretty easy if you stick to a schedule that combines the right training with proper nutrition and rest.

Did we say rest?
Yes, we did. Rest is just as important as training itself. Rest gives your muscles the chance to recover from a heavy workout and then become stronger. The result will be a much more rapid increase in muscle strength. Read more about why rest is so important and the best way to incorporate this as part of your training schedule.

Which training programme is most suitable?
To increase your muscle mass, you should obviously opt for strength training. The most effective exercises are those when you train several muscle groups at the same time. These types of exercises are called compound exercises. These include squats, lunges, deadlifts and bench presses. Looking for some inspiration? The Basic-Fit app and Virtual Coach have lots of different exercises for different muscle groups and complete training schedules.

Lift heavier weights
If you train using weights, make sure that you are only just able to finish your repetitions. If you’re still able to do a bit more, make sure you lift heavier weights next time. This will ensure your muscles are always pushed to the limit.
As well as creating a schedule for your training sessions, also create a dedicated plan for your diet
If you want to build muscle, it is also important that you consider your diet. Drink plenty of water, eat sufficient calories and make sure you have a varied diet in which carbohydrates, proteins and fats are well balanced. Eating enough protein is especially important if you want to build muscle. Do you find it difficult to come up with a healthy and varied diet? Ask a personal trainer or nutritional coach to help you with this or read 'Afvallen met karakter’ (Lose weight with character), our e-book that is available for all Basic-Fit members with Pro Coach.

Stick to your training schedule
It won't come as a surprise, but if you want to build muscle, you will have to put in the work. So make a training schedule where you determine how you are going to work towards achieving your goals and stick to it. It will take some time and you will not see immediate results, but perseverance will be rewarded and after a few weeks you will already see a difference!
If you find it difficult to stick to your schedule, a personal trainer from Basic-Fit can give you a push in the right direction!