GXR Presenter


Back Care

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As a child I loved sports! Everything was fun as long as I was outside. I started playing (field-)hockey at a young age and I enjoyed doing that until a few years ago. I loved being on the field. Hockey was a real outlet for me, I could put everything in it! It was also wonderful to work towards something with my team and to achieve our goals together. Due to an injury I couold no longer continue, which is also the reason why I became a physiotherapist. I find it fun and cool to do preventive work and help people (athletes) back to the desired level! My passion is to help and guide people, what I like best is to see how people achieve their goals. That's why I have now become the presenter for GXR Back Care! We use the back all day, sitting, standing, working, the back is involved in everything. That is why back complaints are also common. To prevent or remedy complaints, we have created this very fun but educational class with exercises I will guide you through!