Staying fit and in good condition at home

21 December 2020
Some people are probably wondering how to stay in shape when our fitness clubs are closed? Do you want to keep moving and working out, even at home? Alexandra explains how she exercises at this time of the year.
Body & Mind
Staying fit and in good condition at home - photo 1.1

1) Do you stay motivated and fit during this strange period? If so, how?
Yes, I stay in shape. I try to keep the same training frequencies as when the clubs are open. Sometimes I also train with another person to motivate me.

2) How many times a week do you train?
I try to train 2 to 3 times a week.

3) What is your favorite type of training?
HIIT. This is a high-intensity interval training consisting of acceleration and deceleration phases. So there is the effort at very high intensity, and then at lower intensity for recovery.

4) Do you train with equipment or with your own body weight?
I alternate between the 2.

5) How do you keep a certain training structure or schedule?
I force myself to keep a training routine even though sometimes it's quite complicated. But to give myself the strength, I think about how far I've come so far and the results I've achieved, and I also set myself some small challenges.

6) Do you have a sports corner at home? If so, how?
I don't really have a sports corner but I have invested in some equipment. There are equipments available at the Basic-Fit webshop.

7) If you were a fitness equipment what would you be and why?
I would be a kettlebell! You can do a lot of cardio exercises but also some strengthening with it. That's what's great!

8) Do you have 3 tips to integrate physical activity in your daily life?
My 3 tips for people to integrate sport into their everyday life would be:
-    Start at your own pace
-    Finding the activity that we like and the one that suits us best
-    Have a (real) goal to motivate yourself

9) What quote inspires you and pushes you to go beyond your limits?
Will, Determination and Patience!

10) What would you say to people to motivate them to stay focused and keep training even at home?
That they should never forget why they started!