Gimnasio Torremolinos Av. Palma de Mallorca

Go for it at the club!

¿Está buscando un gimnasio en el centro de Málaga? Te invitamos a conocer nuestro GYM Basic-Fit situado en Avenida Palma de Mallorca 20. Tenemos un entrenamiento perfecto para cada persona, ya sea un principiante o un deportista avanzado, y para cualquier edad. Determina tu propio ritmo y tu entrenamiento favorito con nuestros equipos de última generación o clases colectivas Ven a visitarnos, o apúntate directamente a través de internet.
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Basic-Fit is giving you the possibility to get fit the way you want, by offering two different memberships. Chose the one fitting your needs and go for it!

Get now: Basic-Fit bolsa de gimnasio extra!



  • Workout in 150+ clubs in Spain!

  • Group classes at the club / home

  • Basic-Fit App with 1000+ workouts

€24,99 / Per 4 weeks
€19,99 Subscription Fee

Get now: Basic-Fit bolsa de gimnasio extra!



Everything Comfort offers, plus:

  • Access to all clubs in Europe!

  • Bring someone with you and train together

  • Unlimited use of the massage chairs in our clubs

  • 30% discount on Yanga Sportswater

€29,99 / Per 4 weeks
€0,00 Subscription Fee

Home Club

  • Lockers
  • Dressing Rooms
  • Showers
  • 7 Training Zones


We want your workout to be tailored to your fit! Select the add-ons to make your club sessions even better.

Yanga Sportswater
5 , 00 / Per 4 weeks
No sugar, barely any calories (only 5 per bottle!), 6 fruit flavours and lots of crucial vitamins, That’s Yanga Sportswater. Fill your bottle as much as you like to maintain your body’s hydration level and help it get rid of toxins. Makes for much better training.
Online Coach
49 , 00 / One-time fee
You don’t have to go it alone! Together with your own certified coach, you’ll set up a 12-week training programme in our app. Your coach will also give you tips on nutrition, lifestyle and developing healthy habits. And you can always ask them questions via chat. With your coach, your fitness goals are within reach.
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