The benefits of interval training

17 October 2018
If you want to burn fat quickly, why not try interval training? Interval training is the most effective way of doing cardio training.
The benefits of interval training - photo 1.1

But, what is interval training and what are the benefits of this type of training? That's what we aim to explain to you in this article.

If you want to burn fat quickly, why not try interval training? Interval training is the most effective way of doing cardio training. But, what is interval training and what are the benefits of this type of training? That's what we aim to explain to you in this article.

What is interval training?

Interval training alternates between short, intensive periods of training and periods of rest. For example, 30 seconds of all-out sprinting, followed by one minute of walking, and repeating this for x number of times in a row. The length of the intervals and the number of repetitions are up to you, depending on your level of fitness and training goals. You can do interval training during a run, but you can also apply it in strength training. You then alternate between intensive exercises and short breaks.

What are the benefits of interval training?

As you give yourself regular breaks during the training, you can put in a higher level of effort during the intensive periods. This will make your body work harder. The advantage of this is that you burn more energy, more quickly. And this, in turn, will burn more fat. Even after the session, when your body is recovering from the work you've done, your body will continue to burn calories. To get this benefit you have to do absolutely nothing! In addition, interval training is a great way to improve your fitness quickly. By pushing yourself to the max, your body learns to go that bit further. This will improve your stamina. And not unimportantly, because you keep changing the intensity of the training, you continue to notice the positive effects of interval training. The same is true if you do interval training over an extended period. Your body does not get habituated.

Quick results

With interval training you can get results pretty quickly. Within three weeks you'll notice you are able to keep up better with the training. Interval training also takes less time than 'normal' training. Another benefit for those who don't have a lot of time to exercise!


There are, of course, a few risks involved in interval training. For example, if you are a beginner there is a greater risk of injury because the intensity of the training is much higher. Always pay attention to your body and don't go at it too fast in the beginning. If you haven't done any cardio training in the last three months, don't start with interval training right away, slowly work on your general fitness first. Then you can start with one set of interval training per week. If you're already fairly fit, you can do interval training twice a week.